Since the end of last week my body has been healing quickly. The pain in my side is gone which I attribute to really honoring the pain, not pushing through it. Every time I felt the pain I would back off of whatever I was doing (sometimes just turning a certain way or using my abdominal muscles to get out of bed). I've been completely off of my pain meds for about 4 days so I'm feeling more "myself". I believe my body went through a bit of a detox or withdrawl coming off the pain meds. I felt like I had the flu. But I got through that ok and feel great now.
Like Staci, I'm just so surprised how little it takes to get me tired. I'm trying to do more and more now. My daughter went back to school yesterday so I'm back to being her taxi. And this week I'm starting to see a couple clients again in my office. So things are returning to normal.
I will never forget this time in my life. It's almost surreal now. There have been a couple times that I've just thought "Wow, I already donated my kidney and I'm getting back to normal life again!". But during the first four weeks of recovery I never felt like life had slowed down so much. Basically my life just paused for a month. And now some slow weeks ahead.
It's a very special time that I know will lead to many more special times, knowing Staci and her family now. I can't express enough the blessings of this journey. I know that being a kidney donor isn't for everyone. There are some like me though that will feel prompted to do this. I encourage you to follow your heart. Talk to another donor if you can. Allow your friends and family to help you through the post-surgery recovery. And share your story with as many people as possible. It'll bless their lives too...and who knows, maybe someone else will become a donor!
Posted by Kristen
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